Friday, October 21, 2022

Been building myself up in that Rust MMORPG server

 Almost lv40 there with my main.

Got a working vending machine going to help newbies a bit. D28 on the map there. Also got some boxes outside with free stuff.

Been enjoying that server. It's a nice detour from vanilla Rust. Takes a bit of getting used to but pretty nice if you enjoy RPG's.

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Tried that TikTok place out

 I post vids there once in awhile. Gameyfur is my name on there, just like my Youtube account.

I'm much more active on YouTube though. Lots of gaming videos.

Been server hopping in Rust

 Found a few I enjoy.

The Simulation is a pretty good pve server.

Rust mmorpg is a interesting take on Rust. Has pve and pvp.

Lone Wolf is great for solo players. Make sure to read the rules so ya don't get banned.

Gonna miss playing Feral Clans

 Been playing that game for over an decade now.

It's closing down temp due to money issues. Hopefully it comes back in some form down the line.

Time will tell.

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Been getting heavier into Rust

 Been getting better at it and doing some creative things actually. Enjoy the building aspect a good deal. Also trying to take down the heli.

Also joined Tiktok. A lot nicer there than what I was expecting.

Monday, January 17, 2022

I'm still around.

 Been getting into lots of different thing's.

Of course still gaming and doing YouTube. Town of Salem of course, VRChat and Rust too. Trying other games too. Gameyfur is my yt name if ya wanna look up my vids.

Got one of them TikToks as well. Gameyfur there. I've put a bit of content on there so far. Better site than I expected.

Real life stuff going on of course. Mostly winter junk like snow and ice.

Still snapping pics. Not so much animal stuff since going to the city though.

Happy New Year.